Saturday, 12 November 2016

The Age of Confusion Part 2

So I called it about nine months ago. I'll quote what I wrote back then:

"Can any cosmic force on earth or elsewhere stop Donald Trump from becoming the next President of the United States?"

Why did I make this prediction? Or rather, how did I know, how was I so sure? So certain?

When I was nineteen years old I got into law school. I didn't know anything about myself. I was walking around in a daze, unsure of who I was, what I wanted and where I wanted to go. Shortly after getting into law school, 9/11 happened and my subconscious mind responded to those events very powerfully. I wrote a letter to the Dean and asked to be excused from my studies.

The morning of Sept 11th 2001, I watched, along with my fellow students, a false flag attack. Those of you who think this makes me a tinfoil hat wearing bat shit crazy person, well so be it. Something about it all felt off. By the evening, they knew who had done the attack, we heard the name Osama on the news.

Never mind all the evidence suggesting it was a false flag attack, I felt on some subconscious level that I was seeing a con job. Once upon a time, I was indoctrinated, this event was the turning point that led to my disconnect from the mainstream narrative. I went into political science and literature and decided I was going to be a writer. Fifteen years later I still write for fun, heck I write for a living but its a different kind of writing (software).

The mainstream narrative presents reality as fine. Everything is fine, your Government has your best interest at heart, you have no reason to be unhappy with the circumstances you've been given. Everything is fair and you're exactly where you deserve to be.

The interesting thing about a narrative that can be controlled through sheer repetition and reach (media) is that it is very hard to disconnect from it without experiencing a kind of trauma. Some people never get to realize the basic truth that no, the Government does NOT have your best interest at heart. That no, your rights are not being respected.

9/11 was followed by the patriot act and other strange things. The US Government was becoming ever increasingly authoritarian, the economy was getting worse, and the media kept distracting people from accepting these things as truth.

You see, the reason so many people were genuinely shocked by Trump winning was because they were in a bubble in which truth had become such an alien concept that they could no longer reconcile themselves with it at all. Too many people fed into the narrative, while the rest of America saw the real effects of globalization, of crony capitalism, of the corporate takeover of the world. How for example, can someone who claims to support democracy think it to be fitting to challenge the outcome of a democratic election so violently and destructively?

Those tinfoil hat wearing people, the skeptics and such voted for Trump because he represented change, that's it. Not because they're racist, or sexist, or filled with hate, but because they want a change. They don't believe in the narrative any longer, don't trust the media, don't trust the government, don't feel like their voices are being heard at all. These are the same people that voted for Obama by the way, because he was the change candidate.

In my previous blog post, I said the developed world was very divided and that no matter who won things would be a mess. I hate to say it but I was right. But of course this is compounded by the fact that forces at work are actively trying to spread misinformation and lies.

There are people who are still not disconnected from the false (media) narrative, these people are vulnerable, pliable, and are devoid of any real capacity for rational thought. If they were capable of such, they would not have reacted in such a way. A simple look into Donald Trump's history and actions shows quite clearly he is neither racist nor sexist. But people have forgotten how to think. They only know how to feel.

In other words, we have the brainwashed, and those who see reality for what it is, and the two groups are clashing with each other heavily. And what's more, what is really going to bake your noodle is this; if the brainwashed masses succeed in this conflict, that that false narrative BECOMES the real narrative.

History is written by the victors, never forget that. Here's a book you can check out on Amazon that might upset you:

You see, most people today are too stupid to recognize truth from fiction, they just "react" to whatever it is they're being exposed to and attribute to it good or bad characteristics. And the most sinister part about it is they've gotten so stupid that they just take information from a supposedly credible source as gospel, such as the news or some arrogant celebrity. The book above uncovers a truth that most people would have great difficulty accepting, that Nazism was financed by Wall Street with full knowledge that this extremist movement might bring the US and Europe into a horrible war. They didn't care about potentially killing tens of millions of people, they cared about PROFITS.

Things are no different today, as they were no different during the Roman Empire. The digital age has not helped in curing people of their stupidity. It seems stupidity is just a part of being human.

I myself think that the times are about to get darker, unfortunately. Once Trump is elected, he will be undermined at every turn and challenged by sinister forces, and this growing mass of idiots is going to pose a danger to everyone who is capable of rational thought.

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