Sunday, 13 November 2016

A Foray into the Club

I'm currently living with some roommates, two of which are young women who wanted to go out last night. Seeing as I was bored and seeking a little amusement this week end before heading back to work, I agreed and we went to this big night club.

Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I am reminded of this when I see people engaging in promiscuous lifestyles in the search of satisfaction.

They engage in impulsive behavior, they lose themselves to impulsiveness and the end result is the same, another mistake on the resume, another blemish on the soul, another regret to bury away. They continue to hit the clubs, what for I have no idea.

It is interesting to note that when I was much younger, I abhorred these environments as essentially a bunch of people seeking validation, which is true to some extent, but in truth when the music is good and you enjoy the people you're hanging out with and just dancing for fun, it really isn't all that bad.

No less than three women basically threw themselves at me, one of which wanted me to take her home and I hadn't even said a word to her, she just winked over and over. All three would have been suitable sex partners, but nothing more, which is why I chose not to bite. I'm at the age (34) where I no longer wish to just waste time with a girl unless I think it can go somewhere.

It occurred to me last night that clubs are places where people lose their money and gain very little out of it. I myself spent around 100$ last night, which would have been much better spent on something else, such as some furniture or some new socks, or anything of actual use in my life.

We siphon off people's money in a club with overpriced drinks and dangle the promise of sex in their faces. If I lowered my standards, I could probably end up sleeping with tons of women over the course of a year, and where I would I be at the end of that I wonder? Probably not somewhere I genuinely want to be, but I digress.

This foray into the night club scene made me think about lowered birth rates and skyrocketing divorce rates, of general unhappiness and dissatisfaction in male female relationships as so many people can't seem to settle down with someone and raise kids to maturity without one of them destroying that nucleus to fuck someone else or god knows what.

And I saw it in that club, I saw people who don't want the normal life, the stable family. I saw a lot of tattoos and thugs and their 'bitches'. I saw thrill seeking women who have already had waaay too much fun. I saw lots of thirsty men who had no chance, no game, no confidence, nothing but desperation in their eyes. I saw the thugs, oozing an I don't give a fuck attitude, tattoos, piercings, etc.

I saw women who are desperate for attention and don't seem to like men all that much beyond what they can get from them. Women are more entitled and frosty than they used to be, and it seems to be getting worse.

I think I'm not going to clubs anymore for a while...for a long while I think....

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