I myself think that the times are about to get darker, unfortunately. Once Trump is elected, he will be undermined at every turn and challenged by sinister forces, and this growing mass of idiots is going to pose a danger to everyone who is capable of rational thought.I might as well be a modern day prophet. I predicted with impeccable precision Russia Gate, Stormy, fake impeachment nonsense with Ukraine, you name it.
And the divide between those that think and those that don't know how to think has become ever more apparent and polarizing.
What I did not predict however, was that Trump was being spied on from the beginning. The establishment, not wanting to allow this NON establishment candidate to get in, did everything it could to try and sabotage the man, but they failed.
And now Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested (about 26 days ago?). In those 26 days we have heard precious little.
I wonder what happens next. I know what I HOPE will happen next, and that is that a lot of deep state heads will roll.
I would love to see it. But past experience suggests that the status quo will be maintained and that the boot (establishment) will continue to smash into the face (the people) in perpetuity forever.
It COULD go differently, and I would love to see it, but I'm just not convinced it will.
I balk at the coming elections. If anyone in their right mind can say that Joe Biden is worthy of the office, then they are out of their goddamn mind.
One thing that Trump has revealed, is just how useless and incapable lifelong politicians are. They are so accustomed to feeding from the public trough that they never really had to develop any meaningful skills outside of some basic modicum of eloquence or charisma, and Joe Biden doesn't even possess these...
Which candidate is more resourceful?
Which candidate is more intelligent?
Which candidate is more creative?
Which candidate is a more strategic thinker?
Which candidate is braver and more willing to stand up for fairness?
These are all rhetorical questions of course. The answer to each and every one is Donald Trump.
That this is even up for debate...is frankly alarming.
I am sad to admit that I am beginning to agree with the world elite. Most people are too stupid to make decisions. They are too moronic to be able to discern the proper decision of two candidates given the facts. Not only are they stupid, but they do not know HOW to think, and further, are not even aware of their own stupidity.
It takes a baseline level of intelligence to recognize your own lack thereof. This would be why so many idiots are overconfident.
I am excited and nervous for what is to come. For I do not know what comes next. Either the establishment succeeds or it partially succeeds.
I see a lot of dissent right now. But its largely meaningless. People posting on a forum, or a meme on youtube, or some other social media platform.
Reddit, the Donald dot win, or somewhere else.
While these things are interesting to spread the truth and perhaps sway an election towards sanity, the truth is that meaningful change does not happen without major catalyzing events.
And no, I'm not talking about the paid for by George Soros rioting and terrorist movements happening inside of the US. That shit is fake, its manufactured. It isn't a real grassroots movement. Its just a bunch of angry sad dispossessed losers being made to feel powerful by evil rich interest taking advantage of them.
Its abuse, its horrid.
You want real change? You want to see the ruling elite play fair? You want to see them stop robbing people of their money and rights and privileges?
Here's how that happens:
Picture a mob of people storming a live in progress CNN broadcast, and they surround Don Le-Mahn and literally tear him to pieces like in a zombie movie. People on TV watch in horror as the life expires from his disembodied head. The message is clear, the people will no longer tolerate propaganda and lies.
You wanna win? You need to strike fear in your enemy.
You think they're afraid of a fucking forum? Of memes on Twitter?
Do you know how much of a badass George Washington was? Ever read the state slogan in New Hampshire?
You think George Washington would content himself with memes? He'd amass loyalists and would start shooting. There would be more blood than you or I could stomach.
And that's the irony of it all. So many people have been pacified by modern living, by the just enough comfort provided to keep them from rioting en mass that they wouldn't risk it all.
Trump has been president for 3.5 years, and he's having a lot of difficulty draining the swamp. But if the people got behind him and struck deep fear into the swamp...then anything would be possible. I'm alarmed by a lot of what Trump is doing, but then I remember he has to work within the confines of a relatively fucked up system of Government. If you want real change the size and structure of Government needs to change...drastically. It needs to get much lighter, much smaller, and much more focused on simple things: Law, and civil order. Everything else should be in the hands of the people.
The mother of all creation is necessity. If you want people to be strong and capable, you need to give them responsibility. If you treat people like helpless children, do not be surprised when they behave as such and lack the confidence to try and expand.
People have to be willing to give up their comfort. Instead we're all wondering if some jackass is going to harass us for not wanting to wear a mask right now just so we can get our groceries, go home and rest up before the demands of the following work day.
As our Governments continue to print money and bury us further in debt.
As they continue to think quite foolishly that Government stimulus can help create wealth and prosperity.
As we continue to allow the further erosion of civil liberty, civil society, free speech, family values, and goddamn common sense. And ironically, God.
As we continue to bury our heads in the sand hoping it will all work out.
As the young dispossessed generation wakes up to the reality that the world does not belong to them or ever will, and that they must simply accept what they have inherited.
As career criminal politicians continue to milk the system and lie to our faces. Or get away with crimes in your face and never face the repercussions (spying on Trumps campaign is such a red herring, I just don't understand how people are not outraged over this, there should be MILLIONS rioting over this until justice is served, but we're too addicted to our iPhones...).
There are parasites clinging to us all, and we're doing our best to keep our blood clean and pure and healthy and our strength up, otherwise...it all falls down.
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