So I'm lifting a lot of weights lately and I'm beginning to look pretty buff.
I can squat 300lbs. I can bench over 225 lbs. I'm cut, I'm ripped and the chicks fucking love it.
For those dudes out there who are wondering why they're not getting the results with the females that they want, its all about your T levels.
Let me repeat that for emphasis because it really is all about your T levels.
Scientists have proven that when you win an altercation or an argument, your T levels go up, when you lose they go down. This is why for example when you pass a shit test by not giving a fuck or flipping the switch on a girl she gets more turned on, because you're mind is literally giving you permission to produce more T.
T T T T T T!!!!!
When you win a big poker hand, or a tournament, or outsmart someone or outplay them, the victory stimulates more T production.
But you can short circuit this by lifting, lifting, lifting. So go lift already you fucking pussy! I went to lunch with this beta doctor the other day, every piece of ass that came into the place he started scanning with his eyes like a predator looking for a gazelle to eat. I don't need to explain to the well versed this obvious truth, but for those of you hard case newbs who don't get it, displaying overt interest in a girl before she displays it to you is a LOSING move.
You approach indirectly, you display value WITHOUT a direct intention, this is not done by faking it, it is done by literally NOT BEING THAT INTO THE GIRL TO BEGIN WITH.
WOMEN are seductresses, men are on their path, whatever that path may be. If your path is to get money so you can get bitches, then you're a bitch yourself. Your path should be to self actualize and be the best version of yourself you can be, and when you're doing this, your T levels go up and the seductresses will seek YOU OUT!!
So go the fucking gym and lift already.
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