Tuesday, 2 February 2016

American Politics at a Glance, February 2016

Thought I would right some things down about Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and all the rest of it. I guess we should mention Donald Trump as well.

Before I delve into these topics I should first stipulate that I do not believe in any way shape or form, that the US president actually makes meaningful change in the United States. I believe that meaningful change is rather engineered by multinational firms, central banks, corporate lobbyists and the rest.

To me the President of the United states is a glorified public relations agent whose purpose is to make more palatable to the American People and the public at large, the intentions and machinations of the Military Industrial Complex. In other words, the President is the president of spin. When a new trade deal is proposed that will hurt the US, the president's job is to convince the people that this deal is not a rip off and will in fact serve their interests. When Edward Snowden blows the whistle, the purpose of the President is to quell people' disgust with government by saying "its for your own good, trust us...".

And so it is with a sort of bored detached amusement that I look at these elections before us and I ask myself a few key questions.

A. Is Hillary Clinton actually a human being or is she a carefully constructed cyborg whose purpose it is to simulate emotion and like-ability based on research and polling her staff does? i.e.: Is she into gay rights and feminism because its popular or because she actually believes in these things? i.e.: is there anything of any authenticity whatsoever coming out of this woman's mouth, at all???

B. Is Bernie Sanders actually for real? It's hard for me to accept that he's for real, he seems legit, he seems like he's not a corrupt piece of shit politician. And yet the real tragedy of this is, that if he IS for real, he will most certainly NEVER become the next President of the United states.

C. Can any cosmic force on earth or elsewhere stop Donald Trump from becoming the next President of the United States?

Lets start with A and flesh that out a little more. Hillary is totally false. Shake hands, kiss babies, say the right things, act in ways that offend as few people as possible, pretend to care about the people, etc. Almost half he twitter followers are fake accounts, everything that comes out of her mouth was placed there by a staffer, her mannerisms of speech are filled with pauses and gaps because she is constructing a fabricated identity. She worked for the fifth estate, serves corporate interest almost to a default, sucks on the teet of shadow government power with glee in the hopes of getting on the biggest stage. Her ego is the size of an 18 wheeler. The only thing she cares about is making herself appear as something of substance. I submit to you that there is simply NOTHING THERE. She doesn't stand for ANYTHING. She just says what she's been told people want to hear. She is trying to convince people that she is presidential, and in fact she would be a very good president if the goal of American politics for the future is to pass the buck, do the same fucking thing everyone before has done, pretend to fight for the rights of the people but make the deals that matter behind closed doors.

B. I have to admit, I think Bernie Sanders IS for real. I think he IS genuine, fair, and believes in democracy, which is why he cannot be elected president. If he is elected corporate forces and lobbyists and the industry of greed and evil will do all in its power to prevent him from exacting any meaningful change whatsoever. It's just not gonna happen for Bernie, and its a crying shame because I wish he would win, I wish the people would take back their country, I wish the working class of america would picket and fight (in fact probably all of these things are happening at all times, but the media is careful to ensure that news of these things NEVER spreads too far). If the working class of the country were to engage in an all out revolt and take to the streets, then Bernie would probably be the perfect president. I am of the opinion that a moral man who believes in good and evil CANNOT be elected president, it just can't happen. This guy would tax the rich and corporate interests and use that money to invest in infrastructure and jobs, which would GREATLY stimulate the economy in the short and medium term.

C. Then of course there's Donald Trump, who I would vote for in a second because it makes SENSE. He has big balls, he's an alpha, a leader, doesn't give a FUCK what other people think and is GENUINE. Does he articulate the popular rage? Of course!! But unlike Hillary, hes real, and unlike Bernie, he seems more RESOURCEFUL because of his skills in business dealings and his success in the private sector. He seems like a good negotiator, a good businessman, a strong willed individual. He's ACTUALLY COMPETENT AND PROVEN. Most politicians are USELESS IDIOTS. But will he help the common working man or help grow the middle class? I HIGHLY DOUBT IT. Instead I picture heaven for businesses. There is however the possibility that he would try to stimulate medium and small sized businesses by empowering them with loans and protection, which COULD be a good thing. I trust he is capable of improving the country, but doubt that he will try to really. I wonder what he would do as president, probably usher in an era of extremism.

Now if I had to pick a candidate in ideal circumstances it would be Bernie, for sure. I wish circumstances were ideal, but they're not. I fear for Bernie, and I shudder to think what would happen if that bloodless witch Clinton wins the democratic Nomination and he decides to be her running mate, makes me want to puke.

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