Monday, 19 January 2015

My last post on Diablo 3 and Blizzard games for a while

Here is all you need to know about Diablo 3 as to whether or not you want to play it.

The unique items (legendary I suppose) have about 80-90% of their stats rolled as random.

In other words, no two copies of the same legendary are alike, this is especially true for item slots with a wide range of affixes.

In other words, the legendary items are not exactly legendary or designed at all, they're just random stat holders with shiny colours that are a shade more golden/rust looking than the yellow rares, but are basically as useful as said rares if they don't roll precisely the mods everyone wants out of them.

In other words, there is no intention to the game play of Diablo 3, the items were not at all designed, thus the characters were not designed, thus the gameplay intention was not designed. Sets were designed to pinpoint specific gameplay, but that leaves little to no interesting gearing decisions to the player.

In other words, the decision to make Diablo 3 was entirely a monetary one not because there was anything interesting to add to the genre. Things were added to give the illusion that they had something of value to add to the genre, everything was put in place to give the illusion of substance, however there is none to be found.

In other words, Blizzard is as I previously stated, is dead.

RIP Blizzard entertainment, 1991-2012 (about the time the RMAH was released, nail in coffin of final type)

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