Friday, 20 July 2012

MTGO dry spell, rant incoming...

A lull in mtgo...

Well the cube is gone, and M13 hasn't arrived yet and OLS gets old fast (inefficient creatures, generally lacking in removal).

Sounds like its time to take a few weeks off of mtgo until m13 hits LIVE, then back to grinding 8-4 queues for glory!

On a more somber note, my musings on this site are an interesting sort of attempt to rekindle the spirit of writing in someone who once wrote dozens and hundreds of pages of fiction and non-fiction.

Oh the joys of the written word. There was once a time when I would have killed to be a novelist, alas I feel as though the medium itself has waned in importance. Do people even read anymore? I'm not so sure they do much these days.

Yes there are still good books being written and there are certainly dedicated readers out there I suppose, but its become much more niche.

I like big broad sweeping topics, things we can all identify with, mass art or whatever you want to call it, cinema for example, a very suitable medium for mass art seems like it is more culturally relevant than books, and video-games probably more so than cinema with younger crowds (I am a former gamer, mtgo in and of itself doesn't exactly count I would think...) I remember being a gamer among other gamers...and I must painfully admit the stereotypes are true, lots of overweight low self esteem dorks who can't talk to girls...

So back on topic, the written word, the great post modernist novel, that ties the human experience into a cohesive whole, yet to exist, yet to resonate universally. Oh so many aspiring writers out there hoping against hope, dreaming of being the one to write that novel.

What would my first novel be about? Probably an homage to Henry Miller as I would detail my sexploits with wonderful detail and very vivid would probably piss a lot of people off... hehehe..

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