Wednesday, 9 March 2016

This new Ghostbuster Movie

I want to talk about a few different spectrums with respect to this film.

The first spectrum is control vs empowerment.

The movie doesn't stand on its own without the previous two films having existed. Ergo, without the effects of the brand of the previous films, this current film would not even be considered popular in any respect.

The goal of the first movie was to entertain people, the goal of this movie is to bank on the success of the first movie. This is not about empowerment, but about control.

Now lets talk about fear vs love.

When you want to entertain people, you work from a place of love. Your goal is to show them an emotionally moving experience, regardless of what that emotion is. When you want to make money, you try to do something you think will be popular and you make decisions based on market research, polling and other such nonsense. You're trying to make money because you're an executive that is thinking of his career and moving forward and success and all that shit. You're acting out of FEAR when you make decisions based on what will make money, instead of what will make a great movie.

Now lets talk about authenticity vs faking.

The first film featured 2 actors who worked together on SNL (Murray and Akroyd). In fact a third SNL alumn (Murphy) was supposed to join but didn't due to making 48 hours or some shit, I forget. The point is, they purposely put comedians together that had a previous rapport, with the goal of entertaining people. And it showed as Akroyd and Murray were both perfect.

This movie took some popular female comedians and mashed them together in the hopes of it being popular. Why four girls? Because marketing research. Whatever happened to creative people making decisions based on entertaining people?

Inorganic, inauthentic, fear based, control based.

Every single thing about this film is wrong. It is an aberration. Hollywood has become too stupid to even know what to do with themselves anymore. People think that shitty entertainment is no big deal in the grand scheme of things, I wonder how stupid the kids growing up today will be one day, I bet dumb as paint.

We keep dumbing things down, putting out stupider less plausible characters, dumber comedy, everything is getting worse.

Stop destroying old franchises that didn't suck. Stop rebooting shit. Let creative people make movies again.


So here's the real issue with this shit. The real issue is that we have to bank on the mythology of old because people no longer believe in the now, the things coming out now are not having the same traction.

That's because the empire is severely decayed and we prefer to time warp to a period when it wasn't.

Asians have taken us over, globalization and the race to the bottom....